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Önskar er alla en avkopplande sommar!

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Vi på Ahrle Laurell & Partners vill rikta ett stort tack till våra klienter, kandidater och samarbetspartners för denna vår. Vi har, trots den ovanliga samhällssituationen, haft förmånen att ha en oförändrad hög aktivitet inom samtliga tjänsteområden, samt en tydligt ökande efterfrågan på våra interimstjänster.

Det är med stor tacksamhet, ödmjukhet och stolthet vi förvaltar den tillit och de förtroenden våra klinter och kandidater ger oss.

Vi vill önska er alla en avkopplande sommar!

It is with the greatest joy we proudly welcome Jan-Erik Arntzen to Ahrle Laurell & Partners!

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When we started Ahrle Laurell & Partners in 2016 we had a vision to build the best boutique executive search firm on the market. We wanted to create a company that we wanted to work for, one built on strong values and with a drive to always deliver above and beyond. Going into the last quarter of 2018, we are proud and humble to the many clients that have intrusted us to support them.

Our vision with Ahrle Laurell & Partners was never to have the explicit goal to grow in terms of number of colleagues. Instead, keep our door open for the right individual(s). With Jan-Erik, there was never any doubt - we have had the privilege to work together before and delighted to welcome him aboard as we embark on AL&Ps continued journey

Karin Laurell, Founding Partner and CEO

Jan-Erik comes to Ahrle Laurell & Partners with a unique background, combining ~20 years’ of experience from top executive search and leadership services, with extensive experience from change management and HR in the technology and military intelligence sectors. Additionally, he has spearheaded the development of new innovative services, including establishing delivery centres in Europe and introducing Vietnam based technology services to the Nordic market.

Jan-Erik brings a substantial and unique cross-functional experience. He embodies the values of Ahrle Laurell & Partners; a passion for people and engaging the greatness in others with the professional skills set to always look ahead. He strategically guides clients on the leadership needed to transform and grow in a competitive environment

Lena Ahrle, Founding Partner and Chairman

Aligned with the increasing need for exceptional executives with the toolkit to embrace and use technological advances to drive change and fuel success, Jan-Erik will be a key advisor to support our clients in these challenging transitions. He brings with him a successful experience working with top executive assignment across industries but also, being a tech enthusiast himself – has a true passion for all things digital, be it the latest programming techniques or the business opportunities brought on by disruptive technology.

Jan-Erik will join Ahrle Laurell & Partners as of January 1st 2019